4. Final adjustments of in plane position

Go to another image located at the end of the series and repeat the anchoring procedure. Once the second image is stored, QuickNII will automatically calculate the anteroposterior positions of the images, as well as propagating the registered angles and scaling to the sections between the anchored sections. This accelerates the anchoring procedure, and ensures the section spacing and serial order are respected. However, there might be cases where the automatically propagated parameters do not fit the section, for example if a section has been tilted during the mounting procedure. It is therefore essential to validate the positions by visual inspection, and to correct any mismatch by fine adjustment of the anteroposterior position, and scaling and rotation of the atlas maps to match the position of the sections.

Note! Once defined, apply the same angles to all the sections in the series and review each section!

The “export propagation” button allows you to validate all the sections at once. However, caution is recommended in the use of this feature, as some sections might not have the correct position. We strongly recommend reviewing all the sections in order to validate the anchoring. Perform in plane rotations using buttons in the main window. Rotations in the small coronal window will result in a rotation around the anteroposterior axis.


Note: Adjustments made with QuickNII are linear. If considerable mismatch remains between the atlas maps and the sections, despite fine linear adjustments, further nonlinear adjustments can be applied using VisuAlign.